Wraps FoldIt Pizza

Grilled Portobello Pizza

grilled portobello pizza

Grilled Portobello Pizza

This pizza has been selected as one of our Great for the Grill recipes. When the weather is gorgeous, dust off that outdoor grill and make a flatbread pizza, alfresco, for your hungry party. There’s nothing better than a hint of woodsmoke on your melted cheese, and these flatbread pizzas cook even faster on the grill than they do in the oven. You don’t need a fancy pizza steel (but feel free to use one) for the flatbreads, just a spatula and tongs, tools you already have. It may be time to switch it up and eat pizza from the grill tonight!

Read how easy it is to grill your own healthier, gourmet flatbread pizza below the recipe.

Mushrooms are pretty heroic as a food. Sure, they serve as a delicious substitute for meat in recipes, but I think they hold their own as a star attraction, too. This flatbread pizza proves it! Portobello mushrooms marinate beautifully, and then can be cooked on the grill much like a steak or burger, with wonderful results.

On warm nights, when we don’t feel like heating up the kitchen, this flatbread pizza is just the thing to make outside on the grill with whatever garden herbs we have. The mushrooms can soak up their marinade all day, so when we get home all we have to do is light the grill and open a bottle of something, relaxing outdoors while the flatbread cooks. It’s an easy weeknight vegetarian dinner!

Summer means that there are herbs all over the place in gardens, farmer’s markets, and even on the street! Outside my local movie theatre they grow mint and rosemary in huge planters, so I make sure to pinch a few stems of mint off the plants when I walk by. Mint grows wild, so no one minds! It tastes so great in a glass of ice water or tea in the summer. And the rosemary attracts bees, which is good for, well, everything. There’s nothing wrong with a little urban foraging every once in awhile…

Adding lots of fresh herbs while they’re plentiful is a good way to pack a lot of flavor into your meals while watching what you eat. Eating more mushrooms is a delicious way to go meatless and increase your daily number of vegetables. That means that this flatbread recipe is a win-win!

-Amy at Flatout

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