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Almond Butter, Apricot, Cheddar melt

almond buter apricot cheddar melt

Almond Butter, Apricot, Cheddar melt

Bouncing back from what seems like two (no, make it three, I almost forgot about Halloween,) months of desserts can be super, duper hard to get out of alive. And by alive, I mean and still fitting into your unforgiving blue jeans. All that sweet stuff, all those cakes and cookies and egg nog and cocoas and glasses of champagne and Bailey’s really adds up so quickly, and you just get used to eating dessert every day. Come January, when it’s time to commit to a weight loss and exercise resolution, I find that it’s hardest to break my dependency on all that extra sugar I ate from October on…

Cold turkey is definitely an option, and, from my informal research, after about three weeks, it’s supposed to “not be that bad.” O.M.G. Three weeks?!? I prefer to ease into my sugar restriction over the course of the next month. Let’s go easy on ourselves, shall we?

I read somewhere that almond butter assists with sugar cravings, so I’ve come up with a flatbread recipe that I can make for breakfast or a snack that can help curb that crazy feeling I get when I simply must have something sweet. Flatbread provides the wholegrain carbs, a tiny bit of apricot preserves adds something sweet, and sharp cheddar is a nice, melty counterbalance to everything else. Make one for breakfast, or make one for you and a friend to share for a teatime snack. Here’s hoping!

-Amy at Flatout

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