Tag Archives | zucchini

Green Shrimp Flatbread

Have you ever walked outside and found that someone had left you a bag of zucchini at your door? It can, and does happen! Zucchini has a way of being so prolific in the summer that some growers can’t possibly use it all, and they’re forced to think creatively in order to get rid of it. Even if they do manage all of it, well, they’re bound to miss a hidden vegetable somewhere in the vines until it grows as big as a log. Therefore some lucky people find anonymous gifts like 4 pounds of zucchini at their door, left by a mysterious gardener.

The all time best use for one of those giant zukes that I’ve ever seen was while I was driving through an outdoor shopping center in my old home town. It was a very stately area, filled with huge fountains and statues: bronze cherubs spouting water, that kind of thing. At one end of the center was a life-sized statue of Winston Churchill and his wife, an homage to married life. They were seated on a bench, facing each other, engaged in eternal conversation- but someone had placed a two foot long zucchini on the Prime Minister’s lap! It was just sitting there baking in the sun, totally out of place. Hilarious!

And now that I think about it, I should grow some zucchini this year, so I can give back all the, ahem, generosity I’ve been subject to. Winston would approve.

Even if you’re not the lucky recipient of mystery zucchini, the vegetable is easy to come by and super tasty grilled. Don’t skimp on the lemon in this flatbread recipe, though. The lemon goes well with everything!

-Amy at Flatout

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Sun Dried Tomato Chicken Wrap

When I’m trying to eat well, I find that the food I make at home has to be 1) flavorful, 2)pleasurable, if not exciting absolutely all the time, and 3)filling, so I’m not hungry right away, which can lead to being hangry. And no one, not one soul, wants to be hangry.

I just read a paper which found that lower glucose levels in couples led to increased tension, arguments, and strife. Every day during the study, the participants were asked to stick zero to 51 pins in a voodoo doll to measure their level of anger towards their spouse. So basically, the lower their blood glucose levels were, the more pins the poor doll got. At least it was a doll, but still, people! To most all of us, it’s not new news that we get grouchy when we’re hungry or really watching what we eat. But 51 pins angry, well, that’s really something else. At that point, I might have to eat a chocolate bar or two, but that’s just one opinion.

For me, the key to achieving the “golden ratio” of eating is to use the concentrated flavor of roasted vegetables, lots of herbs and spices, and acids like vinegars and lemon juice in with all of my flatbreads and wraps to maximize taste and minimize calories. Sun dried tomatoes, roasted zucchini, capers, oregano all qualify in this sunny little flatbread wrap. Whole grains, ample protein, dark green vegetables come together in healthy harmony. What it lacks in excitement, it makes up for in pure, Mediterranean pleasure.

So breathe, relax, eat a little something, and take some pins out of that doll. You have flatbread.

-Amy at Flatout

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