Wraps FoldIt Pizza

Lemon Chicken Wrap

lemon chicken wrap

Lemon Chicken Wrap

Last year, after moving into a new place in the city, I was super excited to have a big back porch so I could grow my own herbs and vegetables. I spent tons of money on window boxes, soil, tomato plants, herbs, pots, and flowers. And, as you might imagine, even though I made a list and tried to stick to it at the nursery, I always walked out with tons more that I felt I had to have. I know that’s happened to a few of you readers!

Anyways, I got everything set up, hung the hanging baskets with cascading petunias, put the tomatoes in big pots, and for a few days, our porch looked beautiful. Until we woke up one morning to see that all my hard work was sitting on the porch in little clumps of dirt, pulled out of their holes, the seedlings wilted. It was the work of……squirrels.

Evidently, the neighboring condo had been in the habit of feeding the city squirrels expensive nut mixes, (which would explain the walnut and pecan shells all over the place.) This had lured families of squirrels to the area; they had taken residence in the tree in the back of our building, and used the porch railings as little above ground highways. All they had to do was gather the quality nuts from next door and bury them in the first patch of earth they could find, which was, as you also might imagine, my window boxes.

I gave up on growing that first year, and learned to find delight in looking out the window to see a squirrel using one of the defunct hanging baskets as a hammock for an afternoon nap. Hopefully our ‘nutty’ neighbors have moved out this year (because my herbs are still planted) but I didn’t go crazy with the plants like I did last year, just in case.

When I am lucky enough to have a little plot of land to grow some vegetables, I look forward to the day I’ll have a surfeit of zucchini with which to make this flatbread wrap. But for now, the farmer’s market will have to grow them for me. To me, this is one of the best and healthiest flatbreads you can make, with quinoa, sprouts, chicken, zucchini, and lots of lemon. Perfection!

Amy at Flatout

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