Kid Approved Pepperoni Pizza

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Kids really love to be helpers in the kitchen, and they can become more adventurous eaters, too, when they are part of the process of making the family’s meals. Flatout flatbread can let them be as creative as they like and stay healthy at the same time. Our little helper isn’t afraid to dig in and make her own delicious pizza flatbread in our latest video demonstration.

We rustled around in our baking gear and found some safe cookie cutters in fun shapes, then let her cut out slices of cheese to go on top of her wholegrain flatbread. A spoonful of tomato sauce, a handful of pizza cheese, some of that pepperoni she adores, and dinner is served!

Lots of kids love a pepperoni pizza, but mix it up any way your sous chef will like it: chicken sausage, a blend of different cheeses, meatballs from Sunday’s supper, maybe some BBQ sauce, maybe even some pesto? Go ahead and sneak something green in there, if you think you can get away with it!

During a busy work week, it is tempting to pick up something for dinner on the way home, a ready made meal that’s fast and you know everyone will eat without complaint. It may be easier, yes, but it can whittle away at a budget; often, carryout dinners are filled with unknown ingredients, loads of sodium, and empty calories. Plus your young ones will love the opportunity to bond with you over this fun activity that yields edible results. In under ten minutes these flatbread pizzas are ready to eat, so turn on your oven, roll up your sleeves, and pull up a stool for your hungry little person who is more than ready to jump in and help you get dinner rolling!

Kid Approved Pepperoni Pizza


  • 1 Flatout Artisan Thin Crust Flatbread
  • 30 pepperoni mini slices
  • 3 slices provolone cheese
  • 1/4 cup mozzarella, shredded
  • 1/4 cup chunky red sauce


Place flatbread on a cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for two minutes. Remove from oven. Spread the sauce on the flatbread. Lay provolone on top of sauce. Top with mozzarella and pepperoni. Return to oven and bake 4 more minutes or until cheese melts.

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