Wraps FoldIt Pizza

Italian Pesto Wrap

italian pesto wrap

Italian Pesto Wrap

One of the jobs I had that I always forget about was helping out at an Italian deli a good friend of mine owned. It all started innocently enough: he and I were coffee friends. I’d stop by for a coffee, we’d get to chatting, then he’d have to run off to help unload a delivery truck in the alley, so I would answer the telephone, if needed. Or ring someone one up at the cash register, if he couldn’t make it. Or unpack a box of canned Roma tomatoes that a busy customer just ‘had’ to have. Before long, I was helping out by making sandwiches to order behind the counter. It never felt like work, though, because in the idle moments I could invent new recipes for sandwiches, and of course, nibble!

Italian delis always have trays of roasted vegetables marinated in olive oil, just hanging out begging to be added to a sandwich or pizza. Slices of eggplant, tender filets of roasted red peppers, and in the summertime, zucchini. I made so many sandwiches using these simple ingredients and just a schmear of pesto, so is it any surprise at all that I translate this sweet, simple sandwich into a flatbread recipe for my flatbread loving friends? I didn’t think so.

Roasting all your vegetables at a higher temperature makes them cook faster and gets them brown and crispy on the edges, especially the eggplant. Feel free to roast up a larger batch of vegetables and drizzle the leftovers with a couple glugs of olive oil to have ready the next time you make this lovely little flatbread recipe, which I know you will.

Amy at Flatout

Suggested Flatout: Italian Herb, ProteinUp - Core12

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