Wraps FoldIt Pizza

Eggplant & Prosciutto Flatbread

eggplant prosciutto flatbread

Eggplant & Prosciutto Flatbread

This pizza has been selected as one of our Great for the Grill recipes. When the weather is gorgeous, dust off that outdoor grill and make a flatbread pizza, alfresco, for your hungry party. There’s nothing better than a hint of woodsmoke on your melted cheese, and these flatbread pizzas cook even faster on the grill than they do in the oven. You don’t need a fancy pizza steel (but feel free to use one) for the flatbreads, just a spatula and tongs, tools you already have. It may be time to switch it up and eat pizza from the grill tonight!

Read how easy it is to grill your own healthier, gourmet flatbread pizza below the recipe.

Beautiful eggplant, how I love it! Such an intriguing vegetable, which comes in all shapes and sizes. I especially love the little ones, Indian eggplants, which are about as big as golf balls, and cute as buttons. Or the elusive solid white Fairy Tale eggplant. But for all my eggplant appreciation, I admit I’m still a bit stumped when it comes to cooking with them. It’s not that I don’t know how to cook an eggplant, it’s just that unless I have a specific recipe for them, I don’t usually just grab some, like I would grab a bag of spinach or a hunk of broccoli rabe, to have it on hand for an impromptu side dish.

No matter! If I’m going to be grilling, I will always buy an Italian eggplant to throw whole on the coals once dinner is finished cooking, so the eggplant can roast and get super soft smoky. By the time we walk the dogs one last time before bed, the eggplant is finished, collapsed on the grill, so I carefully wrap it up and store it in the refrigerator overnight. Then in the morning I make baba ganoush with tahini, lemon juice, garlic and olive oil to eat with spiced, baked flatbread chips. But that’s another post altogether!

This recipe calls for a large eggplant, sliced and grilled, then assembled on a flatbread with a couple thin but significant slices of prosciutto di Parma and mozzarella. A little basil too! Classic Italian pizza is coming your way. You’ll love how smoky and delicious this pizza tastes. One large eggplant goes a long way, so this recipe is perfect for company. Open a bottle or two of prosecco and mangia bene!

-Amy at Flatout

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