Wraps FoldIt Pizza

Brie and Herb Flatbread

brie herb flatbread

Brie and Herb Flatbread

A chef I used to work under many years ago, absolutely hated to waste anything. I think any chef does, really, after all: the bottom line of their restaurant has everything to do with food cost, which has everything to do with food waste. I learned most of my food saving habits from her. Chicken bones all went into a stockpot, along with all the vegetable scraps. Egg shells went into the garden soil. And if the herb supply was running low or not quite at it’s prime, she would whip up an herb pesto to use in the daily specials, to the delight of the guests who ate that day.

If I have a lot of extra leafy greens and herbs, I will make a quick purée using a little olive oil and garlic in a blender, then I can add the puree to pasta, soups, eggs, and, of course, flatbread! This easy little number offsets the green herbs and spinach nicely with thick slices of creamy brie, baked until hot and gooey, on a thin crust flatbread.

Simplicity rules this meatless recipe. Sure, brie and other cheeses can be seen as a major indulgence, but flatbread has your back on this one, so try it at your next get together and watch the pieces disappear. We’ve gone meatless all month and need some richness every once in awhile.

If you are a cheese aficionado, pick a French triple cream or ripe brie for this flatbread; in my opinion, the more pungent the better. And don’t forget the wine! We like a chilled rosé, a pinot noir, or a sparkling, whether or not you are celebrating. What’s not to celebrate, anyways, when you’re taking care of YOU and the planet by eating meatless for a whole month with our flatbread recipes?

Amy at Flatout

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