Wraps FoldIt Pizza

Bacon, Avocado, and Pineapple Foldit

bacon avocado pineapple foldit

Bacon, Avocado, and Pineapple Foldit

Bacon, avocado, and pineapple? Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it! Just like in a spicy Hawaiian style pizza, the beloved pineapple adds a sweet touch to an already satisfying flatbread sandwich. For this sandwich, we substitute tomato for fruit, to great success. By roasting the pineapple alongside the bacon, the flavors are intensified and the sandwich gets even better once assembled.

It’s the peak of pineapple season, so what better way to use up the last bits of cut up fruit that won’t fit into the giant container? Set them aside and make this little beauty of a sandwich. Put chili powder on the adults’ versions, and skip it for the kids. You’ll have a very grateful family.

I can’t think of a better weekend breakfast, either. Perfect for sitting around the kitchen table, reading the paper, letting the juice run down your chin and drip onto the current events section below. (Don’t worry about this! There will be new current events to read about, or even ruin with some other fabulous flatbread creation, tomorrow.)

I’ve been calling this Foldit sandwich the B.A.P, for obvious reasons. And what’s even better, it’s mayo free. If your family is anything like mine, we eat vats of mayonnaise every holiday season. It’s nice to lay off the white sauce, whenever I can, even just to fit into my jeans. Mashed avocado works double duty: moistening the flatbread’s ingredients, as well as providing a good source of healthy fat. Something has to counter the bacon, after all. We’re only human!

Try the B.A.P, you’ll love it.

-Amy at Flatout

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